Exact and close estimates of conversions for cooking.
The links immediately below will take you to converters where you can get exact conversions.
And farther down in the page is a very convenient table with estimates that are close enough for cooking.
|– Oven Temperatures — | — Convert Length — | — Liters And Quarts — | — Grams And Ounces –|
How Many Cups Of Ingredients To Grams
The following are best estimates. They are best estimates because each batch of flour, sugar and so on is made differently, has different moisture content, is handled differently and has different natural characteristics. Each cup you want to convert from kilograms will weigh a different amount.
For example, a cup of hard packed flour will likely be heavier than a cup of sifted flour. And dry flour will be lighter than flour with a high moisture content.
Sugar may have different crystal sizes so it will have more or fewer air pockets between the crystals. You can easily see that below by comparing the weight of powered sugar and granulated sugar.
And every other ingredient will have some characteristic that will make a difference.
Butter – 230 grams per cup
Sugar, powdered – 130 grams per cup
Margarine – 205 grams per cup
Sugar, granulated – 190 grams per cup
Flour – 125 grams per cup
Honey – 320 grams per cup
Cornstarch – 150 grams per cup
To make the conversion, divide the number of grams in the recipe by the grams shown in the table above. For example, it the recipe calls for 300 grams of butter, divide 300 by 230 and you will get 1.3 cups.
1/8 teaspoon =.5 ml
1/3 cup = 75 ml
¼ teaspoon = 1ml
2/3 cup = 150 ml
½ teaspoon = 2 ml
¾ cup = 175 ml
¾ teaspoon = 4 ml
1 cup = 250 ml
1 teaspoon = 5 ml
1 Liter = 1.1 Quarts
1 tablespoon = 13 ml
1 cup = 15 tablespoons
2 tablespoons = 25 ml
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
¼ cup = 175 ml
1 cup = 45 teaspoons
½ ounce = 15 grams
4 ounces = 115 grams
1 ounce = 30 grams
8 ounces = 225 grams
3 ounces = 85 grams
12 ounces = 340 grams
3.75 ounces = 100 grams
16 ounces = 1 pound = 450 grams
Oven Temperatures
250º F = 120ºC
375ºF = 190ºC
275ºF = 140ºC
400ºF = 200ºC
300ºF = 150ºC
425ºF = 220ºC
325ºF = 160ºC
450ºF = 230ºC
350ºF = 180ºC
1/8 inch = 3mm
10 mm = 1 cm
¼ inch = 6 mm
10 cm = 4 inches
½ inch = 1.3 cm
100 cm = 1 meter = 39 3/8 inches
1 inch = 2.5 cm